
What's Under Your Feet? - lesson plan

Discover the impact climate change is having on bird populations across the UK with this citizen science campaign. Produced in collaboration with the BTO this series of three activities will support your What’s under your feet? citizen science experiment.

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  • Age groups: 7-11s, 11-14s
  • Subjects: Science
  • Topics: Biodiversity

Curriculum links 11–14:

England KS3


Working scientifically:

  • Make predictions using scientific knowledge and understanding
  • Use appropriate techniques, apparatus, and materials during fieldwork and laboratory work, paying attention to health and safety
  • Make and record observations and measurements using a range of methods for different investigations; and evaluate the reliability of methods and suggest possible improvements
  • Apply sampling techniques
  • Present observations and data using appropriate methods, including tables and graphs
  • Interpret observations and data, including identifying patterns and using observations, measurements and data to draw conclusions
  • Present reasoned explanations, including explaining data in relation to predictions and hypotheses
  • Evaluate data, showing awareness of potential sources of random and systematic error.


The interdependence of organisms in an ecosystem, including food webs and insect pollinated crops as example

Wales KS3



Enquiry: planning, developing and reflecting; Communication.

Range - the interdependence of organisms and their representation as food webs, pyramids of numbers and simple energy-flow diagrams; how and why food webs are affected by environmental factors, e.g. light intensity, water availability, temperature, and their fluctuations



Pupils will develop their inquiry, investigative and scientific analytical thinking skills.

  • I can sample and identify living things from different habitats to compare their biodiversity and can suggest reasons for their distribution. SCN 3-01a

Northern Ireland KS3


Develop skills in scientific methods of enquiry to further scientific knowledge and understanding: planning for investigations, obtaining evidence, presenting and interpreting results.

Organisms and Health: Interdependence of plants and animals.

Curriculum links 9–11

(if delivering to more able younger pupils):

England KS2


Working scientifically:

  • Planning different types of scientific enquiries to answer questions, including recognising and controlling variables where necessary
  • Taking measurements, using a range of scientific equipment, with increasing accuracy and precision
  • Recording data and results of increasing complexity using scientific diagrams and labels, classification keys, tables, and bar and line graphs.

Wales KS2


Skills – Enquiry: planning, developing and reflecting; Communication.

Range - through fieldwork, the plants and animals found in two contrasting local environments, e.g. identification, nutrition, life cycles, place in environment; the interdependence of living organisms in those two environments and their representation as food chains.



  • Pupils will develop their inquiry, investigative and scientific analytical thinking skills. I can identify and classify examples of living things, past and present, to help me appreciate their diversity. I can relate physical and behavioural characteristics to their survival or extinction. SCN 2-01a
  • I can use my knowledge of the interactions and energy flow between plants and animals in ecosystems, food chains and webs. I have contributed to the design or conservation of a wildlife area. SCN 2-02a

Northern Ireland KS2

The World Around Us


How living things rely on each other within the natural world.


  • Ways in which people, plants and animals depend on the features and materials in places and how they adapt to their environment
  • Features of, and variations in places, including physical, human, climatic, vegetation and animal life.

Change over Time

Ways in which change occurs over both short and long periods of time in the physical and natural world.