Lose your bottle lesson plan 7-11s
- 7-11s
- Water
Explore the sustainability of bottled water by having students fill out an audit in class - what can they learn?
Explore the impact of the production, use and disposal of plastic on the environment with this activity. It encourages them, through a class campaign, to reduce the amount of plastic bottles sent to landfill in their household, and demonstrates the cumulative effect that can be produced on a large scale by small individual action.
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Working scientifically
Pupils should be taught to:
Properties and changes of materials
Living things and their habitats
Number – addition and subtraction
Number MNU 2-03a
Data and analysis MNU 2-20a, MNU 2-20b, MTH 2-21a
Biodiversity and Interdependence SCN 2-02a
Energy sources and sustainability SCN 2-04b
Social Studies
People, place and environment SOC 2-08a
Technological developments TCH 2-02a
Read information; represent data; investigate patterns; collect, represent and interpret data
How humans affect the environment; sustainable earth
Presenting information and results; handling data
The World Around Us
Effect of people on the natural environment; change over time