
Lose your bottle lesson plan 7-11s

Is buying mineral water pouring money (and water) down the drain? Find out by running the Lose Your Bottle activity. Students will carry out an audit of how much bottled water other students at school use, then run a campaign to make everyone aware of the benefits of refilling bottles from the tap instead of buying new ones.

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  • Age groups: 7-11s
  • Subjects: Science, Environment & society
  • Topics: Water

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Students hold a discussion about the environmental consequences of buying bottled water. The outcomes can be recorded.


Students conduct a ‘taste test’ experiment to compare bottled waters with tap water. They could record the results using a spreadsheet.

Design and technology

Students consider the negative environmental consequences of bottled water production. They work together to design a reusable water bottle to use at school.


Students improve the sustainability of the school by promoting the use of reusable water bottles to conserve natural resources such as water and plastic.



Students hold a discussion about the environmental consequences of buying bottled water. The outcomes can be recorded.


Students consider and discuss the environmental impact of buying bottled water. They suggest ways in which we can live in a more environmentally-responsible way.

Design and technology

Students consider the negative environmental consequences of buying bottled water. They work together to design a reusable water bottle to use at school.

Art and design

Students consider the negative environmental consequences of buying bottled water. They use what they learn as inspiration to design a reusable water bottle to use at school.

Personal and social education

Students form personal opinions and make informed decisions about water saving. They improve the sustainability of the school by promoting the use of reusable water bottles to conserve natural resources such as water and plastic.



Students consider the negative environmental consequences of buying bottled water. They work together to design a reusable water bottle to use at school.

Literacy and English

Students hold a discussion about the environmental consequences of buying bottled water. The outcomes can be recorded.

Expressive arts

Following a discussion, students use their imagination to design a reusable water bottle to use at school.

Social studies

Students consider and discuss the environmental impact of buying bottled water. They suggest ways in which we can live in a more environmentally-responsible way.

Health and well-being

Pupils contribute their views, time and talents to bring about positive change in the school by promoting the use of reusable water bottles to conserve natural resources such as water and plastic.

Northern Ireland

The World Around Us

Students conduct a ‘taste test’ experiment to compare bottled waters with tap water. They could record the results using a spreadsheet.

Language and Literacy

Students hold a discussion about the environmental consequences of buying bottled water. The outcomes can be recorded.

The Arts

Students consider the negative environmental consequences of bottled water production. They work together to design a reusable water bottle to use at school.

Personal development and mutual understanding

Students play an active and meaningful part in the life of the school and community by promoting the use of reusable water bottles to conserve natural resources such as water and plastic.