EDF Energy’s The Pod

Engaging 10 million children in Environmental Social Action over 10 years

Eco clubInspiring young people is at the heart of our Educational strategy, and it is through our award winning Digital Education Programme, the Pod, we help children understand that a low carbon, secure and affordable energy supply is vital for the future. 

The Pod encourages young people to get involved in environmental social action projects, empowering them to make a difference to the world through a series of annual campaigns:

Switch Off Fortnight (November), encouraging and educating young people to help their school save energy.

Waste Week (March) which enables young people to understand different kinds of waste and how this impacts our environment.

What’s Under Your Feet? (October, March & June), where children dig up a patch of soil on their school grounds and count the invertebrates they find, recording their species, numbers and sizes.

We are very lucky to work in collaboration with like-minded organisations including: Eco-Schools, Keep Scotland Beautiful, the Met Office, the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), the British Science Association, Wastebuster, RoSPA, and #iwill. We also work closely with Eco-Schools England to ensure that participation in a Pod environmental campaign will help a school reach their bronze, silver or green flag ambitions.Robyn Thorn, Founder & Manager of the Pod

We are proud to have engaged with over 10 million children during the 10 years our digital education programme. It’s not just the annual campaigns the Pod offers, but also the interactive games, curriculum based resources and guides. The Pod forms one of a number of Educational Programmes run by EDF Energy which all have core aim of inspiring young people to understand careers in STEM,  whilst also promoting the benefits of diversity and inclusion, and taking part in social action.

Register on the Pod and join us in our mission to encourage young people to take part in environmental social action.