What a waste worksheet 11-14
- 11-14s
- Waste
This worksheet accompanies the What a Waste 11-14 lesson plan
In this three part activity, students learn about the amount of food packaging the UK disposes of each year, and how much if it is recycled; before designing a campaign to improve recycling and re-use rates in their homes. You can use the lessons when teaching about waste and also when teaching children how to record, analyse and present data using graphs and charts.
Lesson 1: What is packaging waste?
Homework activity: How much packaging do you use at home?
Lesson 2: Analysing the homework data
Lesson 3: Graphing real-life UK waste statistics
Download ()England
Pupils should be taught to:
· construct and interpret appropriate tables, charts, and diagrams, including frequency tables, bar charts, pie charts, and pictograms for categorical data, and vertical line (or bar) charts for ungrouped and grouped numerical data
· describe simple mathematical relationships between two variables (bivariate data) in observational and experimental contexts and illustrate using scatter graphs.
Working scientifically
Analysis and evaluation:
· Apply mathematical concepts and calculate results
· Present observations and data, including identifying patterns and using observations, measurements and data to draw conclusions
· Evaluate data, showing awareness of potential sources of random and systematic error
· Identify further questions arising from their results.
Subject content – Chemistry
Earth and atmosphere
· Earth as a source of limited resources and the efficacy of recycling
Pupils should be taught about:
· The roles played by public institutions and voluntary groups in society, and the ways in which citizens work together to improve their communities, including opportunities to participate in school-based activities
Design and technology
· Understand developments in design and technology, its impact on individuals, society and the environment, and the responsibilities of designers, engineers and technologists.
Information handling
Data and analysis
When analysing information or collecting data of my own, I can use my understanding of how bias may arise and how sample size can affect precision, to ensure that the data allows for fair conclusions to be drawn. MTH 3-20b
I can display data in a clear way using a suitable scale, by choosing appropriately from an extended range of tables, charts, diagrams and graphs, making effective use of technology. MTH 3-21a
Technological developments in society and business
Awareness of technological developments (Past, Present and Future), including how they work
I understand how scientific and technological developments have contributed to changes in everyday products. TCH 3-05a
Craft, design, engineering and graphics
Exploring uses of materials
I can explore the properties and performance of materials before justifying the most appropriate material for a task. TCH 3-10a
Design and technology
Pupils should be given opportunities to develop their design and technology capability through:
Activities in which they learn about the responsible use of materials considering issues of sustainability
They should be given opportunities to:
· Be creative
· Be innovative and enterprising
· Work independently and in groups
Developing numerical reasoning
Represent and communicate
Learners are able to:
· Select and construct appropriate charts, diagrams and graphs with suitable scales
· Interpret graphs that describe real-life situations, including those used in the media, recognising that some graphs may be misleading
Learners are able to:
· Interpret mathematical information; draw inferences from graphs, diagrams and data, including discussion on limitations of data
· Draw conclusions from data and recognise that some conclusions may be misleading or uncertain
Using data skills
Collect and record data / Present and analyse data / Interpret results
Learners should be able to:
· interpret diagrams and graphs (including pie charts)
· construct a wide range of graphs and diagrams to represent discrete and continuous data
· interpret diagrams and graphs to compare sets of data
· test hypotheses, making decisions about how best to record and analyse the information from large data sets
· construct and interpret graphs and diagrams (including pie charts) to represent discrete or continuous data, with the learner choosing an appropriate scale
· examine results critically, select and justify choice of statistics recognising the limitations of any assumptions and their effect on the conclusions drawn
Personal and social education
Active citizenship
Learners should be given opportunities to:
· Participate in school and the wider community
Sustainable development and global citizenship
Learners should be given opportunities to:
Develop a sense of personal responsibility towards local and global issues
And to understand:
The key issues of sustainable development and global citizenship and the need to reflect on personal decisions about lifestyle choices
Global issues which threaten the planet
Pupils should be given opportunities to:
· Communicate logically by speech, writing, drawings, diagrams, charts, tables, bar charts, line graphs, videos and ICT packages
Interdependence of organisms
Pupils use and develop their skills, knowledge and understanding by investigating how humans are independent yet rely on other organisms for survival, applying this to life in countries with different levels of economic development.
They should be given opportunities to study:
· how human activity affects the global environment, e.g. acid rain,greenhouse effect, and the measures taken to minimise any negative effects and monitor them, e.g. by Earth observation satellites
The sustainable Earth
Pupils use and develop their skills, knowledge and understanding by investigating the materials in the Earth and its atmosphere and how they can change, and apply this in contemporary contexts.
They should be given opportunities to study:
· the properties of sustainable materials and how these are related to their uses in everyday life, e.g. in the construction and manufacturing industries, and the importance of sustainability.
Northern Ireland
Mathematics with Financial Capability
Pupils should have opportunities to develop:
· Knowledge and understanding of:
o Handling data
· The application of mathematical skills to real life and work situations
Developing pupils as contributors to society
Young people should have opportunities to:
· Analyse and interpret information patterns relating to local and global trends
· Critically examine the use and misuse of mathematics to justify/support particular attitudes/opinions in different media, and the interpretation of data
Science and technology: science
Pupils should have opportunities to:
· Develop skills in scientific methods of enquiry to further scientific knowledge and understanding:
o Presenting and interpreting results
Developing pupils as contributors to the economy and the environment
Pupils should have opportunities to:
· Investigate… specific measures to improve and protect the environment
Science and technology: technology and design
Developing pupils as contributors to the economy and the environment
· Pursue design solutions using environmental friendly materials and energy sources.