
Smart Energy Challenge for 7-11

A set of three activities to help children learn about smart meters, plus an extension activity
Challenge 1: Understanding smart meters (literacy)
Challenge 2: The energy-saving benefits (numeracy)
Challenge 3: Changing behaviour (social wellbeing/citizenship and science)

Download the student worksheet and Smart meter factsheet in the related resources section below the curriculum links.

Download (390 kb)
  • Age groups: 7-11s
  • Subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, Social studies, PSE
  • Topics: Energy


KS2 English

Years 3 and 4

Reading – comprehension

Pupils should be taught to:

·       retrieve and record information from non-fiction


Writing – comprehension

Pupils should be taught to:

·       draft and write by:

·       in non-narrative material, using simple organisational devices [for example, headings and sub-headings]

Years 5 and 6


Reading – comprehension

Pupils should be taught to:

·       distinguish between statements of fact and opinion

·       retrieve, record and present information from non-fiction

·       provide reasoned justifications for their views


Writing – comprehension

Pupils should be taught to:

·       draft and write by:

·       using further organisational and presentational devices to structure text and to guide the reader [for example, headings, bullet points, underlining]


KS2 Mathematics

Number – number and place value

Pupils should be taught to:

·       recognise the place value of each digit in a three-digit number (hundreds, tens, ones)

·       compare and order numbers up to 1000

·       solve number problems and practical problems involving these ideas.


Number – addition and subtraction

Pupils should be taught to:

·       add and subtract numbers mentally, including:

·       a three-digit number and ones

·       a three-digit number and tens

·       a three-digit number and hundreds

·       add and subtract numbers with up to three digits, using formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction


Number – multiplication and division

Pupils should be taught to:

·       write and calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division using the multiplication tables that they know, including for two-digit numbers times one-digit numbers, using mental and progressing to formal written methods

·       recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12

·       multiply two-digit and three-digit numbers by a one-digit number using formal written layout


Number – fractions

Pupils should be taught to:

·       recognise, find and write fractions of a discrete set of objects: unit fractions and non-unit fractions with small denominators

·       recognise and use fractions as numbers: unit fractions and non-unit fractions with small denominators



Pupils should be taught to:

·       tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals from I to XII, and 12-hour and 24-hour clocks

·       estimate and read time with increasing accuracy to the nearest minute; record and compare time in terms of seconds, minutes and hours; use vocabulary such as o’clock, a.m./p.m., morning, afternoon, noon and midnight



Pupils should be taught to:

·       interpret and present data using bar charts, pictograms and tables

·       interpret and present discrete and continuous data using appropriate graphical methods, including bar charts and time graphs.

·       solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in a line graph

·       complete, read and interpret information in tables, including timetables.


KS2 Science


Pupils should be taught to:

·       identify common appliances that run on electricity


KS2 Personal, Social and Health Education

Living in the wider world

Building on Key Stage 1, pupils should have the opportunity to learn:


·       that they have different kinds of responsibilities, rights and duties at home, at school, in the community and towards the environment; to continue to develop the skills to exercise these responsibilities 

·       that resources can be allocated in different ways and that these economic choices affect individuals, communities and the sustainability of the environment across the world 



Literacy and English


Finding and using information

Using what I know about the features of different types of texts, I can find, select and sort information from a variety of sources and use this for different purposes.

LIT 2-14a

I can make notes, organise them under suitable headings and use them to understand information, develop my thinking, explore problems and create new texts, using my own words as appropriate.

LIT 2-15a


Understanding, analysing and evaluating

To show my understanding across different areas of learning, I can identify and consider the purpose and main ideas of a text and use supporting detail.

LIT 2-16a

To help me develop an informed view, I can identify and explain the difference between fact and opinion, recognise when I am being influenced, and have assessed how useful and believable my sources are.

LIT 2-18a



Tools for writing

Throughout the writing process, I can check that my writing makes sense and meets its purpose.

LIT 2-23a

LIT 2-24a

Organising and using information

I can use my notes and other types of writing to help me understand information and ideas, explore problems, make decisions, generate and develop ideas or create new text.


I recognise the need to acknowledge my sources and can do this appropriately.

LIT 2-25a

By considering the type of text I am creating, I can select ideas and relevant information, organise these in an appropriate way for my purpose and use suitable vocabulary for my audience.

LIT 2-26a


Creating texts

I can persuade, argue, explore issues or express an opinion using relevant supporting detail and/or evidence.

LIT 2-29a



Number, money and measure

Number and number processes

I have extended the range of whole numbers I can work with and having explored how decimal fractions are constructed, can explain the link between a digit, its place and its value.

MNU 2-02a  

Having determined which calculations are needed, I can solve problems involving whole numbers using a range of methods, sharing my approaches and solutions with others.

MNU 2-03a


Fractions, decimal fractions and percentages

I have investigated the everyday contexts in which simple fractions, percentages or decimal fractions are used and can carry out the necessary calculations to solve related problems.

MNU 2-07a


Information handling

Data and analysis

Having discussed the variety of ways and range of media used to present data, I can interpret and draw conclusions from the information displayed, recognising that the presentation may be misleading.

MNU 2-20a


Health and Wellbeing

Mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing

Through contributing my views, time and talents, I play a part in bringing about positive change in my school and wider community.

HWB 2-13a


Social Studies

People, place and environment

I can discuss the environmental impact of human activity and suggest ways in which we can live in a more environmentally-responsible way.

SOC 2-08a



Digital literacy

I can extend and enhance my knowledge of digital technologies to collect, analyse ideas, relevant information and organise these in an appropriate way.

TCH 2-01a

I can use digital technologies to search, access and retrieve information and am aware that not all of this information will be credible.

TCH 02-02a


Technological developments in society and business

I can analyse how lifestyles can impact on the environment and Earth’s resources and can make suggestions about how to live in a more sustainable way.

TCH 2-06a

I can make suggestions as to how individuals and organisations may use technologies to support sustainability and reduce the impact on our environment.

TCH 2-07a



KS2 English


Range of experiences

Learners should be given opportunities to:

·        read for different purposes, e.g. for personal pleasure; to retrieve, summarise and synthesise key information; to interpret and integrate information; to verify information; to deepen understanding through re-reading; to identify language devices used by the writer in order to analyse purpose; to identify alternative readings of a text


Locating, selecting and using information

Reading strategies

Year 3

·       read short information texts independently with concentration

·       skim to gain an overview of a text, e.g. topic, purpose

·       look for specific information in texts using contents, indexes, glossaries, dictionaries

·       identify different purposes of texts, e.g. to inform, instruct, explain

·       locate information on web pages using screen features, e.g. toolbars, side bars, headings, arrows

Year 4

·       read texts, including those with few visual clues, independently with concentration

·       skim to gain the gist of a text or the main idea in a chapter

·       scan for specific information using a variety of features in texts, e.g. titles, illustrations, key words

·       find information and ideas from web pages, using different search methods, considering which are the most efficient methods


Year 5

·       read extended texts independently for sustained periods

·       use a range of strategies for skimming, e.g. finding key words or phrases, gist, main ideas, themes

·       scan to find specific details using graphic and textual organisers, e.g. sub-headings, diagrams

·       use information from trusted sources, on-screen and on paper, selecting and downloading as necessary

Year 6

·       read complex texts independently for sustained periods

·       use a range of strategies for finding information, e.g. skimming for gist, scanning for detail

·       use internet searches carefully, deciding which sources to read and believe


Responding to what has been read


Year 3

·       accurately identify the topic and main ideas of a text, e.g. by highlighting, using key words of the text

·       take an interest in information beyond their personal experience

Year 4

·       accurately identify the main points and supporting information in texts

·       explore information and ideas beyond their personal experience

Year 5

·       identify and explore ideas and information that interest them

Year 6

·       show understanding of main ideas and significant details in different texts on the same topic

·       identify ideas and information that interest them to develop further understanding


Response and analysis

Year 3

·       use information from texts in their discussion or writing

·       make links between what they read and what they already know and believe about the topic.

Year 4

·       select and use information and ideas from texts

Year 5

·       gather and organise information and ideas from different sources

Year 6

·       collate and make connections, e.g. prioritising, categorising, between information and ideas from different sources

·       distinguish between facts, theories and opinions

·       consider whether a text is effective in conveying information and ideas.



Range of experiences

Learners should be given opportunities to:

·        write in a range of continuous and non-continuous texts in a variety of forms, e.g. letters, diaries, articles, stories, reports, speeches, short plays and scripts, leaflets, advertisements, posters, web pages, questionnaires, reviews, soliloquies

·        write for a range of authentic audiences, real or imagined, e.g. peers, younger learners, teachers, family members, historical and fictional characters


Organising ideas and information

Meaning, purposes, readers

Year 3

·       write for different purposes and readers choosing words for variety and interest

·       include relevant details, information or observations in their writing

·       use on-screen functions, e.g. font, colour, cut, paste, size, to present their work in ways to interest the reader and enhance meaning

Year 4

·       adapt what they write to the purpose and reader, choosing words appropriately, e.g. descriptive and persuasive language

·       explain main idea(s) with supporting details, including observations and explanations where relevant

·       explore and use appropriately the different forms of writing on-screen to interact with others, e.g. websites, e-mails, blogs

Year 5

·       write with a clear purpose, showing consideration for the reader, e.g. by choosing appropriate vocabulary and presentational devices

·       expand upon main idea(s) with supporting reasons, information and examples

·       explore the layout of web pages to create material using available tools

Year 6

·       adapt writing style to suit the reader and purpose, e.g. formal style for unknown reader, simple style for younger readers

·       write a comprehensive account of a topic or theme


Structure and organisation

Year 3

·       use a basic structure for writing

·       write using an introduction to the topic and a conclusion

·       present processes, event or reports in a clear sequence

Year 4

·       write an introduction, develop a series of ideas and a conclusion

·       organise writing into logical sequences or sections by beginning to use paragraphs

Year 5

·       use features which show the structure of the writing, e.g. sub-headings, captions

·       write an introduction that establishes context, a series of appropriately ordered points and a suitable conclusion

·       use paragraphs, which have a main idea and related details

Year 6

·       adapt structures in writing for different contexts, e.g. reporting an event, investigation or experiment

·       write an effective introduction that establishes context and purpose, a suitable balance between facts and viewpoints, a precise conclusion

·       use paragraphs making links between them

·       use features and layout which are constructed to present data and ideas clearly



Year 3

·       use vocabulary related to the topic or subject context

Year 4

·       use subject-specific vocabulary independently

Year 5

·       use appropriate vocabulary, including subject-specific words and phrases

Year 6

·       use varied and appropriate vocabulary, including subject-specific words and phrases


KS2 Mathematics


Developing numerical reasoning

Identify processes and connections

·       transfer mathematical skills to a variety of contexts and everyday situations

·       identify the appropriate steps and information needed to complete the task or reach a solution

·       select appropriate mathematics and techniques to use

Represent and communicate

·       explain results and procedures clearly using mathematical language

·       select and construct appropriate charts, diagrams and graphs with suitable scales


Using number skills

Use number facts and relationships

Year 3

·        compare and estimate with numbers up to 100

·        use mental strategies to recall number facts within 20

Year 4

·        compare and estimate with numbers up to 1 000

·        use mental strategies to recall multiplication tables for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 and use to solve division problems

Year 5

·        compare numbers with 1 and 2 decimal places


Fractions, decimals, percentages and ratio

Year 3

·        use halves and quarters

·        halve 2-digit numbers in the context of number, money and measures

·        find fractional quantities linked to known multiplication facts

Year 4

·        halve 3-digit numbers in the context of number, money and measures

·        find fractional quantities using known table facts

Year 6

·        calculate percentage quantities based on 10%, e.g. 20%, 5%, 15%

·        use simple ratio and proportion

·        use ratio to express two or more quantities in words


Calculate using mental and written methods

Year 3

·        use mental strategies to add and subtract 2-digit numbers

Year 4

·        add a 2-digit number to, and subtract a 2-digit number from, a 3-digit number using an appropriate mental or written method

·        use mental strategies to multiply and divide 2-digit numbers by a single digit number

Year 5

·        find differences between numbers with 1 decimal place

·        add and subtract 3-digit numbers using an appropriate mental or written method

Year 6

·        add and subtract numbers using whole numbers and decimals


Manage money

Year 3

·        order and compare items up to £10

Year 4

·        order and compare items up to £100

·        add and subtract totals less than £10 using correct notation, e.g. £6.85 – £2.76

Year 5

·        add and subtract totals less than £100 using correct notation, e.g. £28.18 + £33.45


Using data skills

Collect and record data / Present and analyse data / Intepret results

Year 3 and 4

·        represent data using:

·        lists, tally charts, tables and diagrams

·        bar charts and bar line graphs labelled in 2s, 5s and 10s

·        extract and interpret information from charts, timetables, diagrams and graphs.

Years 5 and 6

·        represent data using:

·        –  lists, tally charts, tables, diagrams and frequency tables

·        –  bar charts, grouped data charts, line graphs and conversion graphs

·        extract and interpret information from an increasing range of diagrams, timetables and graphs (including pie charts)


Personal and Social Education



Developing thinking

Learners should be given opportunities to:

·        form personal opinions and make informed decisions

·        use appropriate techniques for personal reflection.

Developing communication

Learners should be given opportunities to:

·       contribute to class discussions and take part in debates.

Developing ICT

Learners should be given opportunities to:

·       Find and develop information and ideas

·       Create and present information and ideas

·       Use ICT safely with appropriate support and guidance



Active citizenship

Learners should be given opportunities to:

·        participate in school life


Sustainable development and global citizenship

Learners should be given opportunities to understand:

·        how the environment can be affected by the decisions we make individually and collectively


KS2 Science



Pupils should be given opportunities to:

Search for, access and select relevant scientific information, from a range of sources, including ICT

Communicate clearly by speech, writing, drawings, diagrams, charts, tables, bar charts, line graphs



Interdependence of organisms

Pupils should use and develop their skills, knowledge and understanding by investigating how animals and plants are independent yet rely on each other for survival.

They should be given opportunities to study:

·       how humans affect the local environment, e.g. litter, water pollution, noise pollution.


How things work

Pupils should use and develop their skills, knowledge and understanding by investigating the science behind everyday things, e.g. toys, musical instruments and electrical devices, the way they are constructed and work.

They should be given opportunities to study:

·       the uses of electricity and its control in simple circuits



Language and Literacy

Key Stage 1

Talking and listening

Pupils should be enabled to:

·       tell their own stories based on personal experiences and imagination, for example, talk about an event they have witnessed and describe how they and others reacted;

·       listen to and respond to guidance and instructions



Pupils should be enabled to:

·       begin to locate, select and use texts for specific purposes;

·       research and manage information relevant to specific purposes, using traditional and digital sources, and present their findings in a variety of ways;



Pupils should be enabled to:

·       participate in modelled, shared, guided and independent writing, including composing on-screen;

·       write without prompting, making their own decisions about form and content;

·       write for a variety of purposes and audiences;

·       express thoughts, feelings and opinions in imaginative and factual writing;

·       organise, structure and present ideas and information using traditional and digital means;


Key Stage 2

Talking and listening

Pupils should be enabled to:

·       formulate, give and respond to guidance, directions and instructions;



Pupils should be enabled to:

·       read, explore, understand and make use of a wide range of traditional and digital texts;

·       use traditional and digital sources to locate, select, evaluate and communicate information relevant for a particular task;

·       consider, interpret and discuss texts, exploring the ways in which language can be manipulated in order to affect the reader or engage attention,



Pupils should be enabled to:

·       participate in modelled, shared, guided and independent writing, including composing on-screen;

·       discuss various features of layout in texts and apply these, as appropriate, within their own writing

·       write for a variety of purposes and audiences, selecting, planning and using appropriate style and form;

·       use a variety of stylistic features to create mood and effect;

·       begin to formulate their own personal style;


Mathematics and Numeracy


Key Stage 1 (Year 4)


Processes in mathematics

Making and monitoring decisions

Pupils should be enabled to:

·       select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task;

·       develop different approaches to problem-solving;

·       begin to organise their own work and work systematically



Understanding number and number notation

Pupils should be enabled to:

·       count, read, write and order whole numbers, initially to 10, progressing to at least 1000;

·       understand that the place of the digit indicates its value;

·       recognise and use simple everyday fractions.


Operations and their applications

Pupils should be enabled to:

·       understand the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (without remainders) and use them to solve problems;

·       know addition and subtraction facts to 20 and the majority of multiplication facts up to 10 x 10;

·       develop strategies for adding and subtracting mentally up to the addition of two two-digit numbers within 100.



Pupils should be enabled to:

·       add and subtract money up to £10, use the conventional way of recording money, and use these skills to solve problems;



Pupils should be enabled to:

·       understand and use the language associated with length, weight, capacity, area and time;


Handling data

Collecting, representing and interpreting data

Pupils should be enabled to:

·       discuss and interpret the data;

·       extract information from a range of charts, diagrams and tables;


Key Stage 2


Processes in mathematics

Making and monitoring decisions

Pupils should be enabled to:

·       take increasing responsibility for selecting and using the materials and the mathematics required for their work;

·       plan and organise their work, learning to work systematically;

·       develop a range of strategies for problem-solving, looking for ways to overcome difficulties.



Understanding number and number notation

Pupils should be enabled to:

·       count, read, write and order whole numbers;

·       develop an understanding of place value to include up to two decimal places, use this to multiply and divide numbers by 10 and 100;

·       understand and use vulgar fractions, decimal fractions and percentages and explore the relationships between them;


Operations and their applications

Pupils should be enabled to:

·       develop strategies to add and subtract mentally;

·       know the multiplication facts up to 10 x 10;

·       engage in a range of activities to develop understanding of the four operations of number, appreciate the use of brackets, add and subtract with up to two decimal places, multiply and divide decimals by whole numbers, use these operations to solve problems.



Pupils should be enabled to:

·       use the four operations to solve problems involving money;



Pupils should be enabled to:

·       recognise times on the analogue and digital clocks and understand the relationship between the 12 and 24-hour clocks


Handling data

Collecting, representing and interpreting data

Pupils should be enabled to:

·       collect, classify, record and present data drawn from a range of meaningful situations, using graphs, tables, diagrams and ICT software

·       interpret a wide range of tables, lists, graphs and diagrams, create and interpret frequency tables, including those for grouped data;


The World Around Us


Key Stage 1 (Year 4)



Pupils should be enabled to explore:

·       the effect of people on the natural environment over time;


Movement and energy

Pupils should be enabled to explore:

·       sources of energy in the world;

·       The use of electricity as an energy source and the importance of using it safely


Change over time

Pupils should be enabled to explore:

·       positive change and how we have a responsibility to make an active contribution.


Key Stage 2



Pupils should be enabled to explore:

·       the effect of people on the natural and built environment over time.


Movement and energy

Pupils should be enabled to explore:

·       How knowledge in science supports technological inventions,


Change over time

Pupils should be enabled to explore:

·       The effects of positive and negative changes globally and how we contribute to some of these changes.


Personal Development and Mutual Understanding


Key Stage 1 (Year 4)


Mutual Understanding in the Local and Wider Community


Children should have opportunities to explore:


Relationships with family and friends

·       being aware of their contribution to home and school life and the responsibilities that this can bring;

·        understanding that they can take on some responsibility in their family and friendship groups;


Relationships in the community

·       understanding how their environment could be made better or worse to live in and what contribution they can make.