
Low carbon travel lesson plan 11-14s

Explore the concept of low carbon transport in this lesson plan, and discover new ways to reduce your carbon footprint. What’s the best way to get around if you want to reduce emissions?

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  • Age groups: 11-14s
  • Subjects: Science, Environment & society
  • Topics: Transport

Curriculum links



Teaching should develop pupils’ understanding of democracy, government and the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Pupils should use and apply their knowledge and understanding while developing skills to research and interrogate evidence, debate and evaluate viewpoints, present reasoned arguments and take informed action.

Students should be taught about:

  • the roles played by public institutions and voluntary groups in society, and the ways in which citizens work together to improve their communities, including opportunities to participate in school-based activities


Personal and Social Education:

Environmental Aspect - understand the key issues of sustainable development, including actions that will improve the quality of life now without damaging the planet for the future.


Personal and Social Development: Social Development

Statement - Inter-Personal Relationships; Independence and Interdependence; Natural World; Life Cycles; Conservation (Level E/F)

Northern Ireland

Environment and Society

Geography: Developing pupils as contributors to society

Develop an understanding of how people in different places interact with their environment

Learning for Life and Work 

  • Personal Development: Explore personal morals, values and beliefs
  • Learning for Life and Work - Local and Global Citizenship Unit: Investigate various ways to participate in school and society
  • Learning for Life and Work - Local and Global Citizenship Unit: Investigate an issue from a range of viewpoints and suggest action that might be taken to improve or resolve the situation, for example, how to enhance an existing play area; design a community garden, environmental activities

Personal and Social Education

  • Environmental Aspect: Understand the interdependence of global systems and the effects of natural processes and human development
  • Emotional Aspect: Know how to resolve conflict and negotiate agreement