It's Switch Off Fortnight
It’s time to start your school energy audit!
Switch Off Fortnight has officially begun! Before your school starts their energy saving antics, audit your energy use to see how much you’ve saved at the end of your campaign.
PLUS – if you complete both the first and end energy audits, you’ll get a set of 30 energy pin badges for your whole class (while stocks last)! Just complete this one minute survey to register and follow the steps below to claim your badges.
1 Use the handy audit sheet– and recruit someone for an undercover mission to discover where energy is being wasted.Upload the results to the Pod on our energy calculator so we can help you keep track of your achievements.
2 Once you’ve completed the first energy audit, run your Switch Off Fortnight campaign to let the whole school know how to save energy and why it’s so important.
3 At the end of your campaign repeat the energy audit and upload your results to the Pod. We’ll calculate how much energy you’ve saved, so you can share it with the rest of the school and shout about your success. (This is a great tool to use for Eco-Schools accreditation and a way of encouraging everyone to keep up the good work).
Don’t forget that all of these activities can be led by students – to help you achieve an Eco-School Award.
We hope you enjoy taking part in Switch Off Fortnight.