It's time to get outdoors for What's Under Your Feet? week!


It's almost time for What's Under Your Feet?, a great opportunity to get your students involved in a citizen science project. British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) scientist James is eagerly waiting for your results. It will help him and his team establish relationships between UK climate, the availability of invertebrates and the decline in bird numbers. The information being collected in invaluable to our understanding of UK wildlife.


As Dr James Pearce-Higgins puts it himself, "By taking part in this third year of the project, your school can make a real difference by adding to our understanding of how these patterns vary across the country, and they affect bird populations".


Taking part in the What's Under Your Feet? campaign is easy.

1. Watch our short film on how to take part.

2. Download the data collection sheets here and here, and all other resources you need.

3. Upload your results to the Pod from the 16th of October to the 31st of November. 

To thank you for your involvement, your school will be credited in the scientific paper the BTWO are writing on their findings. 


Good luck, and we hope you enjoy the dig!