It's What's Under Your Feet Week!


James at the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) is eagerly waiting for your results. They are helping him and his fellow scientists establish relationships between UK climate, the availability of invertebrates and the decline in bird numbers. The information being collected really is invaluable.

"Schools have provided us with scientifically valuable information about the effect of climate upon invertebrates. By taking part in this second year of the project, your school can make a real difference by adding to our understanding of how these patterns vary across the country, and how they affect bird populations" - Dr James Pearce-Higgins, BTO

Taking part is straightforward, but if you need a quick reminder, watch our short film. It's a great way to start the activity. You can download the data collection sheet and all other resources you need here

Most importantly - please don't forget to upload your results to the Pod as soon as you can. It is vital for the BTO's research - and to thank you for your involvement, we'll credit your school in a scientific paper being written by the BTO on their findings.

PS: If you've signed up to take part your giant poster that reveals what the scientists have found out so far from Year 1 of the project is on its way! Why not compare your findings this summer with those from last year to see if there is any difference?