Recycle to Read Toys

The official launch date of Recycle to Read Toys will be announced shortly.

Get your school involved in Recycle to Read, a fun and rewarding way to teach sustainability while earning free books! Everyone can recycle broken, hard plastic toys at a participating Tesco store to earn Planet Care Points for your school. Every recycling visit helps your school climb the leaderboard, with the top 50 schools on nominated 'Book Reward Days' winning book vouchers worth £50-£500!


1. Use our Store Locator Map on the community Recycle to Read Toys website to find the nearest Tesco store with a collection unit, ensuring it's accessible for everyone in your school.

2. Register for a free account on The Pod if you don't already have one and join the Recycle to Read Toys campaign by signing up below. You'll then be able to access the campaign pack with all the resources you need, including:

3. Start earning Planet Care Points by encouraging your whole school community to bring broken, hard plastic toys to a Recycle to Read collection point. You can check what types of toys are accepted in our FAQs. Everybody can earn a point for your school by scanning the QR code on the front of the bin to register their recycling visit. You can also earn 50 bonus points for holding a toy swap or sale event. Use our toy reuse event guide to help you plan your day. Here are some top tips for passing toys on.

4. The more points your school earns, the higher you'll rank on the School Leaderboard. Schools ranked in the top 50 at midday on nominated Recycle to Read 'Book Reward Days' will be awarded book vouchers ranging from £50-500 based on their ranking to spend in the Collins Recycle to Read catalogue.

5. All participating schools and families have the chance to win exciting book bundles and book vouchers worth from £30-£50 for individuals and up to £100 for schools in the weekly prize draw.

Have fun collecting and climbing up the School Leaderboard to protect the planet, and get books for your school!

For more information, visit our school FAQS.
Need any help? Email 



1. Take any small, broken, hard plastic toys to put in one of our recycling bins in a participating Tesco store. Don't forget to check the list of what we can and can't accept!

2. Register your toy recycling visit by scanning the special QR code on the front of the recycling bin, and you'll earn a Planet Care Point for your school! Don't forget! You can only earn one Planet Care Point a day. Remember, you can give toys in good condition a second chance, too, by taking them to charity shops or school toy swap events. Here are some top tips for passing toys on.

3. See the Recycle to Read website for more details and our FAQs.

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