
Boxing clever lesson plan 11-14

In this D&T activity, students examine the properties and design criteria of packaging for three everyday food items, and investigate whether they could be improved.

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  • Age groups: 11-14s
  • Subjects: Design & technology, Mathematics, Science, PSE
  • Topics: Waste




Ratio, proportion and rates of change

Pupils should be taught to:

·         solve problems involving percentage change, including: percentage increase, decrease and original value problems and simple interest in financial mathematics 


Design and technology

 When designing and making, pupils should be taught to: 


·         use research and exploration, such as the study of different cultures, to identify and understand user needs 

·         identify and solve their own design problems and understand how to reformulate problems given to them 

·         develop specifications to inform the design of innovative, functional, appealing products that respond to needs in a variety of situations 

·         use a variety of approaches [for example, biomimicry and user-centred design], to generate creative ideas and avoid stereotypical responses 



·         analyse the work of past and present professionals and others to develop and broaden their understanding 

·         understand developments in design and technology, its impact on individuals, society and the environment, and the responsibilities of designers, engineers and technologists 


Technical knowledge

·         understand and use the properties of materials and the performance of structural elements to achieve functioning solutions 



Pupils should be taught about:


·         the roles played by public institutions and voluntary groups in society, and the ways in which citizens work together to improve their communities, including opportunities to participate in school-based activities 





Number, money and measure

Number and number processes including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and negative numbers

I can use a variety of methods to solve number problems in familiar contexts, clearly communicating my processes and solutions. MNU 3-03a

I can continue to recall number facts quickly and use them accurately when making calculations. MNU 3-03b


Fractions, decimal fractions and percentages

I can solve problems by carrying out calculations with a wide range of fractions, decimal fractions and percentages, using my answers to make comparisons and informed choices for real-life situations. MNU 3-07a



I can solve practical problems by applying my knowledge of measure, choosing the appropriate units and degree of accuracy for the task and using a formula to calculate area or volume when required. MNU 3-11a


Shape, position and movement

Properties of 2D shapes and 3D objects

Having investigated a range of methods, I can accurately draw 2D shapes using appropriate mathematical instruments and methods. MTH 3-16a


Expressive Arts – Art and design

I can use and combine the visual elements and concepts to convey ideas, thoughts and feelings in expressive and design work. EXA 3-03a

While working through a design process in response to a design brief, I can develop and communicate imaginative design solutions. EXA 3-06a

I can give and accept constructive comment on my own and others’ work. EXA 3-07a



Technological developments in society and business

Impact, contribution, and relationship of technologies on business, the economy, politics, and the environment.

I can evaluate the implications for individuals and societies of the ethical issues arising from technological developments. TCH 3-06a


Awareness of technological developments (Past, Present and Future), including how they work

I understand how scientific and technological developments have contributed to changes in everyday products. TCH 3-05a


Craft, design, engineering and graphics

Exploring uses of materials

I can explore the properties and performance of materials before justifying the most appropriate material for a task. TCH 3-10a


Digital Literacy

Searching, processing and managing information responsibly

Having used digital technologies to search, access and retrieve information I can justify my selection in terms of validity, reliability and have an awareness of plagiarism. TCH 3-02a




Design and technology




Pupils should be given opportunities to:

1.    use given design briefs, and where appropriate, develop their own to clarify their ideas for products

2.    identify and use appropriate sources of information to help generate and develop their ideas for products

3.    be creative and innovative in their thinking when generating ideas for their products

4.    identify and apply knowledge and understanding about technological, sustainability and health and safety issues to develop ideas for products that are achievable and practical



Pupils should be given opportunities to develop their design and technology capability through:

·         activities in which they learn about the responsible use of materials considering issues of sustainability

·         reflecting on the work of designers, inventors, architects and chefs, including those from Wales


They should be given opportunities to:

·         be creative

·         be innovative and enterprising

·         work independently and in groups



Developing numerical reasoning

Identify processes and connections

Learners are able to:

·         transfer mathematical skills across the curriculum in a variety of contexts and everyday situations

·         select appropriate mathematics and techniques to use

Represent and communicate

Learners are able to:

·         explain results and procedures precisely using appropriate mathematical language

·         select and construct appropriate charts, diagrams and graphs with suitable scales


Learners are able to:

·         interpret answers within the context of the problem

·         interpret mathematical information

·         draw conclusions from data


Using number skills

Fractions, decimals, percentages and ratio

Learners are able to:

·         calculate percentages of quantities using non-calculator methods where appropriate

·         calculate a percentage increase or decrease


Using measuring skills

Length, weight/mass, capacity

Learners are able to:

·         read and interpret scales on a range of measuring instruments


Personal and social education

Sustainable development and global citizenship

Learners should be given opportunities to:

·         develop a sense of personal responsibility towards local and global issues

And to understand:

·         the key issues of sustainable development and global citizenship




Interdependence of organisms

Pupils use and develop their skills, knowledge and understanding by investigating how humans are independent yet rely on other organisms for survival, applying this to life in countries with different levels of economic development.

They should be given opportunities to study:

6.    how human activity affects the global environment


The sustainable Earth

Pupils use and develop their skills, knowledge and understanding by investigating the materials in the Earth and its atmosphere and how they can change, and apply this in contemporary contexts.

They should be given opportunities to study:

5.    the properties of sustainable materials and how these are related to their uses in everyday life and the importance of sustainability


Northern Ireland


Mathematics with financial capability

Developing pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills


·         The application of mathematical skills to real life and work situations;


Developing pupils as contributors to the economy and the environment


Young people should have opportunities to:

·         Explore issues related to education for sustainable development


Art and design

Developing pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills


·         Researching, gathering and interpreting information from direct experiences, observations, memory, imagination and a range of traditional and digital sources;

·         Evaluating and appreciating their own and others’ work through discussion and reflection


Developing pupils as contributors to society

Pupils should have opportunities to:


·         Make an informed and critical response to a social/environmental issue


Developing pupils as contributors to the economy and the environment

Pupils should have opportunities to:

·         Explore issues related to education for sustainable development

o   Explore ways of reusing waste materials in a creative context, for example

o   Explore how Art and Design can help preserve and promote the environment, for example


Environment and Society: Geography

Developing pupils as contributors to the economy and the environment

Pupils should have opportunities to:


·         Explore how we can exercise environmental stewardship and help promote a better quality of life for present and future generations, both locally and globally


Science and Technology: Science

Developing pupils as contributors to the economy and the environment

Pupils should have opportunities to:


·         Investigate the effects of pollution… and specific measures to improve and protect the environment


Science and Technology: Technology and Design

Developing pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills

Pupils should have opportunities to:


·         Design – identifying problems; investigating, generating, developing, modelling and evaluating design proposals; giving consideration to form, function and safety;


Developing pupils as contributors to the economy and the environment

Pupils should have opportunities to:

 ·         Pursue design solutions using environmental friendly materials and energy sources.